The GLOBAL EMERGENT MEDIA (GEM) Lab is a unique research platform centered on the critical study of global new media. GEM projects examine emergent media forms and practices in a global context, and address the pressing need to broaden our understandings of media and globalization beyond dominant Western contexts and epistemologies. Key areas of focus include: Asian Media and Modernities; Video Cultures; Media and Migration; Global Smart Technologies; Internet Television and Videographic Research Methods, among many other collaborative projects.
The GEM LAB offers crucial support for the larger CRC Research Program by providing a cutting edge Lab space for day-to-day research activities and special events; digital ethnography projects (including production and postproduction tools), access to a UHD/HD motion picutre film scanner for digitization and archiving; monitoring stations for the capture and analysis of internet video (e.g. “streaming”) and other online platforms, as well as seminars, workshops, master classes, and conferences.
The GEM Lab is open to graduate students, faculty, and other researchers and practitioners. To find out more please join our mailing list, attend an upcoming event, and learn about our current and past initiatives.

Émile-Antoine Bayard and Alphonse de Neuville, from Around the Moon
Civic address:
FB 630.15, Concordia University
1250 Guy Street,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
H3H 2T4
Joshua Neves
(514) 848-2424 ext.5233
Lab Coordinators
Rebecca Holt
Pat Bonner
Gregorio Pablo Rodríguez-Arbolay
Lab Technician
Teagan Lance
Available for gear reservations and troubleshooting via email.
Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema
Sign up to our mailing list
Please include in the message that you would like to join the list and if you currently reside in Montreal.
By signing up, you will receive updates on our latest activities, and other events affiliated with the GEM Lab.
There is an Open House for the lab each fall term for people to come get acquainted with the lab, initiatives and equipment. At the end winter term, we hold an information and Brainstorm Session where we plan the coming year's activities. All members are welcome to attend this session, especially as we will be pitching future ideas for the lab.
Please contact the lab coordinators for event or co-sponsorship requests and research affiliations for people and groups outside Concordia.
If you are an MA / PhD in Film Studies at Concordia you can contact the lab technician to be able to check out our equipment or to get access to our editing stations. If you are a graduate student from another faculty or program you need to email the lab coordinators with a short declaration of interest, explaining the nature of the projects you wish to undertake, institutional affiliation, and involvement in the activities of the GEM Lab. If you are an outside researcher, please contact the lab coordinators.
Full details on the booking and access page.