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 seminar in media and political theory 



The 2024-25 GEM Seminar in Media and Political Theory explores historical and ongoing transformations in developmental media(tion), paying close attention to problems concerning colonial modernity, racial capitalism, plantation corporations, labor and logistics, ambient and affective technologies, engineered ecologies, degrowth politics, and the fourth machine age – especially as seen from the perspective of the Global South, among other asymmetrical relations. In particular, the working group examines emergent frictions between 20th century underdevelopment and contemporary modes overdevelopment, reconsidering hegemonic projects to modernize, improve, and assimilate. Across lectures, screenings, and reading groups, the seminar engages a wide range of contemporary scholars and scholarship, asking how developmental projects and modes of extraction, value creation, and subjectification have changed or consolidated in recent decades. From mobile cinema units, electrification, and extractive media to logistics industries, communication infrastructures, and emergent technopharmacologies, the series examines the critical role of media forms and platforms in shaping the experience, aspirations, and politics that undergird (and sometimes undermine) development projects.


Fall Schedule (events are in-person at the lab unless otherwise indicated)

September 26th (5:30pm)

"Colonial Cinema in the Open Air: Ambient Governmentality and “Atmosphere of Mind”"
Nadine Chan (University of Toronto)


October 24th (5:30pm)

"Tales of Speculative Energies"

Mia Yu (Beijing-based artist, curator, researcher)


November 4th (5:30pm)

"The Political Aesthetics of Light"
Brian Larkin (Barnard College, Columbia University)

November 27th (4:00-6:00pm)

Media+Development Reading Group Meeting

  • Kohei Saito, Introduction and Chapter 1, from Marx in the Anthropocene: Towards the Idea of Degrowth Communism

  • Kai Heron, “Forget Ecomodernism”

Winter Schedule (events are in-person at the lab unless otherwise indicated)

February 20th (5:30pm)
"Memories of Underdevelopment: Film History from the Plantation"

Debashree Mukherjee (MESAAS, Columbia University)

March 20th (5:30pm)

"The Logistics Counter-revolution: Fast Circulation, Slow Violence, and the Transpacific Empire of Circulation"
Charmaine Chua (UC Santa Barbara)

March 21st (2:00-4:00pm)
Research as Organizing / Organizing as Research: Workshop
Charmaine Chua (UC Santa Barbara)


May 1st-2nd (5:30pm)

CTS - Mediation Workshop

2024-2025 GEM Seminar Related Events & Annual Initiatives


Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema, Concordia University, 1250 Guy Street, FB 319,Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3H 2T4

Mailing address: Gem Lab, School of Cinema, FB 319, Concordia University, 

1455 Maisonneuve BLVD. West, Montreal, QC Canada, H3G 1M4

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