In Progress
A GEM Lab periodical of new research
Unlimited Data, Unlimited Desire: How Indian streaming platform ‘ALTT’ structures a relation between sex/desire, nationalism, and infrastructure
Sneha Kumar
Perveez Mody begins her book The Intimate State: Love-Marriage and the Law in Delhi with a story about a 24-year-old Muslim man who scaled a microwave tower outside the New Delhi railway station in 1998 and declared an indefinite hunger strike[...]
Excerpt from Video Cultures in India: The Analog Era
Ishita Tiwary
In their Nov 1989 issue, TV and Video World proclaimed the 1980s to be the ‘Video Decade.’ In its cover blurb, the magazine noted that “the 80s witnessed the emergence of video as an exciting home entertainment medium” and that video has “transformed India’s social landscape”[...]
In Progress is an open-access periodical showcasing new works from GEM Lab researchers and collaborators. It aims to foster timely discussions around emerging media, past and present, with a particular focus on broadening conceptions of global, digital, and public culture beyond dominant North Atlantic contexts and epistemologies. The platform grows out of the GEM Lab’s Works-in-Progress series, started in 2017, a forum for experimental research methods.
In Progress publishes shortform (~1500 words) critical essays, speculative writing, and photo/video works in ten installments each year. We welcome submissions from a wide range of fields at the intersection of global and emergent media and aim to highlight the work of both graduate students and established scholars from the Montréal community and beyond.
To submit a proposal please send a short abstract and bio to our editors at: gem.lab.info@gmail.com. We are now soliciting our 2023 lineup.