GEM Lab Reading Workshop led by Patrick Smith (University of Salford)

//March 28th, 2024
//5:15-7:30 PM
//GEM Lab
//FB 630.15
This reading workshop returns to two seminal essays by Unangax̂ scholar Eve Tuck, considering the theoretical and political implications of these texts for media scholars and practitioners today. “R-Words: Refusing Research” (from 2014, co-authored with K. Wayne Yang) and “Suspending Damage: A Letter to Communities” (from 2009) will provide entry points into larger discussions around a range of topics: the critical valences of Tuck’s concepts of “suspension” and “refusal,” “damaged-centered” research, flawed theories of change, uneven relationships between researchers and communities, extractive risks of research, and alternative “desire-based” research methodologies.
Reading Links: