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WIP Series: The Methodology of HOMING: Documentary Co-creation, Women, & Home

Works-in-Progress Workshop Series

FEB. 3, 2020

Wednesday, February 3rd, 5pm (Online Event)

Workshop event with Iphigénie Marcoux-Fortier, co-presented with Mance Dominique Champagne about the project “The Methodology of HOMING: Documentary Co-creation, Women, & Home”


Introduction to Works-In-Progress Series

Ylenia Olibet

Introduction of Speaker

Lola Remy

The Methodology of HOMING: Documentary Co-creation, Women, & Home (Presentation)

Iphigénie Marcoux-Fortier, co-presented with Mance Dominique Champagne

Microhistories of HOMING

Short audio visual excerpts from the project

The full quality versions can be viewed on the project map here.

A Few Stories of HOMING

A few short readings from the project

Results, Benefits, Frameworks & More
: Results and Benefits of Homing, Frameworks of Homing, Co-Creative Documentary

Rural Women & Representations

Topics: Rural Women & Representations, Intersectionality, Home & Belonging, Work Towards a Decolonizing Lens, The Ecology of Homing

The Methodology of HOMING

Topics: Process of the project

Reflecting on Your Homes

Followed by another excerpt from the project, which can be found in the full project here.

In Conversation with Mance

Discussion with Mance Dominique Champagne about her joining and participating in the project and her experience of the process.

Q&A 1

Topics: The concept of synchronicity, spiritual elements of the experience? The spirit of HOMING

Breakout Room Period Methodology

Topics: Inviting the participants to think about their concept of home. (The breakout rooms themselves are not part of the recording)

Breakout Room Discussion of HOMING

Topics: Gender and Homing, Definitions of Home and Homing, The shifts in what you consider and look for in a home, HOMING as an evolution

The roads of HOMING (Presentation Conclusion)

Iphigénie Marcoux-Fortier


Topics: Animals representing types of Homing

Q&A 2

Topics: Home in relation to work in the home? Housework, caretaking, etc. The new relationships healing element in relation to the drudgery that the home can bring. Variety of relations to homes: gender, violence, etc. The depth of relationship to homes. The deliberation between unedited and edited versions of the micro-histories. The coming of the map.

Q&A 3

Topics: Linguistic aspects of the project and difficulties, images of evolution through elements of the past, the image of the ghost as an example of the longevity of the world in relation to us, connections to the representation of women in media as focused on the body.


Ylenia Olibet, Iphigénie Marcoux-Fortier


Link to the Original Post

HOMING is an act of documentary co-creation, of creating new connections—re-imagining the land and the people who inhabit it—, an act of re-making home and rewriting the future. This research-creation project explores the processes of documentary co-creation as a tool for valuing the plurality of knowledges of women from various backgrounds living in rural areas. Working with the concept of home, HOMING is inspired by a range of methods of inquiry and concepts, such as “digital storybridging” inspired from “video bridging” (Frise and Cizek 2009), “conversation” (Kovach 2009), “small places” (Zimmermann and De Michiel 2018) and “poetic inquiry” (Galvin and Prendergast 2016). These acts of co-creation, which are open, flexible, mobile and multiscalar (Zimmermann and De Michiel Auguiste et al. 2020) are grounded in an approach of “sensitive engagement” (Nash 2009). Emerging from these co-creative processes is a plurality of microhistories of women and ruralities. During my Master's degree, twenty-three microhistories of HOMING were co-created together with twenty-five rural women. Together we cultivate and co-create “spaces of home” in a time when we are witnessing waves of individualism, nationalism and othering wash across the world. HOMING goes beyond the act of storytelling (Juhasz and Lebow 2018), inasmuch as it uses documentary co-creation to generate new social configurations on a rural territory.

Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema, Concordia University, 1250 Guy Street, FB 319,Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3H 2T4

Mailing address: Gem Lab, School of Cinema, FB 319, Concordia University, 

1455 Maisonneuve BLVD. West, Montreal, QC Canada, H3G 1M4

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