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 works-in-progress (WIP) series 

2022 Works-In-Progress Working Group

Organizers: Insook Park & Montiana Ashour


Encased Futures | Sensations & Seamlesness

Kerim Dogruel & Laura Laabs (Goethe University) (2022-11-16)


Preliminary Materials on Science and Educational Films in Socialist China

(Featuring a screening of Leprosy, dir. Yin Peilong, 1986, 20 mins, 16mm / Digital, Mandarin w/ English subtitles, Shanghai Science and Educational Film Studio)
Xin Zhou (Concordia University) (2023-02-23)

Self-Images and the “Ethic of Reviewing” in Global Film, Art, Activism, and Psychiatry in the late 1960s and early 1970s

Kate Rennebohm (Concordia University) (2023-03-20)

Works in Progress (WIP) is an ongoing program of workshops organized by lab members and coordinators, currently entering it's fourth year of programming.


The workshop series is meant to showcase new and developing projects by members of the Fine Arts graduate community (and special guests from beyond the faculty), creating a space for interdisciplinary critique and feedback. Encouraging the engagement of workshop participants, the emphasis is on research methodologies and future directions. We aim to create a space for alternative methodologies and practices, investigating research trends in the humanities such as visual anthropology, digital ethnography, field recording and sound experiments, approaches to information technologies, and other on the ground research practices. Workshops will be flexible and structured according to the necessities of the project. Workshop leaders are invited to pre-circulate reading materials and introduce multimedia aspects of their projects to accompany their presentations. However, other forms of workshop organization are welcome in order to fulfill the mandate of in-progress, emergent research.

2021 Works-In-Progress Working Group

Organizers: Ylenia Olibet & Lola Rémy

2019 Works-In-Progress Working Group

Organizers: Patrick Brodie, Ylenia Olibet & Lola Rémy


The Methodology of Homing: Documentary Co-Creation, Women & Home

Iphigénie Marcoux-Fortier with Mance Dominique Champagne (Concordia University) (2021-02-03)


Space Invaders on Film School Sets: Participatory Photo Story, Embodied Subjectivities, and White-Masculine Spaces

Dr. Tracy Ying-Zhang with Whitney Norceide (Concordia University) (2021-04-12)

TV Series & Uncertainty: COVID Narratives, Audiences, Methods

Professor Marta Boni (UdeM) (2021-04-22)


Transcriptions on a Voyage

Jean-Jacques Martinod (Concordia University) (2020-03-27)


The Jewel of His Eye

Natalie Greenberg (Concordia University) (2020-04-17)

Lowrance: The Politics of Form, Authorship, and Distribution

Muhammad Nour Elkhairy (Concordia University) (2020-10-17)

Labour of Oil, Petrocultural Imaginaries and Colonial Modernity in Iran: An Experimental Film and Multimedia Project

Sanaz Sohrabi (Concordia University) (2019-11-05)

DIGITAL DIORAMA: Expanded Cinema Spectatorship and the Panorama in Immersive Storytelling

Allison Moore (Concordia University) (2020-12-05)

2018 Works-In-Progress Working Group

Organizers: Patrick Brodie, Patrick Smith & Viviane Saglier

2017 Works-In-Progress Working Group

Organizers: Patrick Brodie, Patrick Smith & Viviane Saglier

Techniques of Performative Inquiry: Technological Meditations

by Aaron Finbloom (Humanities)

SOLA: A Videogame on Gender-Based Violence

by Agustina Isidori (Design & Computational Arts)

The Greatest Wait

by Razan Al-Salah (Communications)


by Stale Bread Collective (Film Studies)

Transcriptions on the Voyage

by Jean Jacques Martinod (Film Production)

The Carousel Capital of the World

by Natalie Greenberg (Film Studies)


Documenting Capital: Intersections of Free Trade Zone Architecture and Digital Filmmaking

Patrick Brodie and Patrick Brian Smith (Concordia University)

Excavating the Invisible: Mapping Subaltern Solidarity

Sabah Haider

The Migrant Cinema: Indigenous Tibetan Films 

Yi Cui (York University)

Historiographies of the Present: Whither Our Imaginations of Futurity and Solidarity?
Dr. Mihaela Brebenel (University of Southampton)

Film Production Worlds: Fragments from Myanmar

Theo Stojanov (Concordia University)

Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema, Concordia University, 1250 Guy Street, FB 319,Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3H 2T4

Mailing address: Gem Lab, School of Cinema, FB 319, Concordia University, 

1455 Maisonneuve BLVD. West, Montreal, QC Canada, H3G 1M4

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